

FPL Help
How do I find my team ID?

Follow these steps to find your FPL Team ID

First login to your account (on the website, not the app) at and click on the “Points” tab as shown below:

When you get there, you can click on the URL at the top (or bottom if you use iPhone). In the URL you will see your Team ID – it’ll be the only numbers you’ll see there. By the way, FPL Toolbox will never ask for your FPL log in details!

If you have signed up and you know your team ID, all your leagues will be listed on your profile page. Just select the one you want to use

They are a bit like power ups! I’ve written an article all about – read the article!

You need to read this to fully understand it – read the article!

Ok, so there’s a lot more to it than this but it’s just a players’ expected points or expected assists – Guess what, I explain it in further detail in this article!

Toolbox Help
How do I find my team ID?

Follow these steps to find your FPL Team ID

First login to your account (on the website, not the app) at and click on the “Points” tab as shown below:

When you get there, you can click on the URL at the top (or bottom if you use iPhone). In the URL you will see your Team ID – it’ll be the only numbers you’ll see there. By the way, FPL Toolbox will never ask for your FPL log in details!

If you have signed up and you know your team ID, all your leagues will be listed on your profile page. Just select the one you want to use

I’m constantly updating, and adding new features, to the app. What that means is that you might have an older version. To update, you just need to delete your browser data so the website can load the latest version. You’ll find that in your browser settings. Alternatively, you can use private/incognito mode – that always loads the most recent version.

I’m constantly updating, and adding new features, to the app. To update, you just need to delete your browser data so the website can load the latest version. You’ll find that in your browser settings. Alternatively, you can use private/incognito mode – that always loads the most recent version.

There a few factors that are compared to calculate the copycat rating. The major factor is the similarity of your rivals FPL picks compared to the influencers. As well as that, the similarities in the transfers that they’ve made, when their chips were activated, and how often their captain choices were the same also all play a part. But remember, this is JUST FOR FUN!  

FPL Harry, Let’s Talk FPL, FPL Raptor, FPL Focal, and Holly Shand! All great FPL accounts to follow! Want to add another one to the list? Send me a message on IG!

No, of course not! Although, it will give you stats to make a mockery of your FPL rivals in the groupchat!

All the tools here will let you compare mini-leagues of any length – but it will only take into consideration the top 50!

I get it – it can be annoying, but the ads really do help me maintain and improve the website!

You can however, remove the ads on the tools section by subscribing to the pro version – it’s less than 30p a gameweek!!! Click here to find out more

Of course! But only for Pro subscribers! You can sign up, or upgrade to pro using this link

No worries, you can fill out the contact form on this site or reach out to me on  Instagram.